Discover the different styles you can bring to your home with brown wood floors

Brown wood floors offer a versatile canvas that can be transformed into a variety of stunning interior design styles. Whether you lean towards classic elegance, contemporary minimalism, or rustic charm, brown wood floors can be the foundation that brings your vision to life. Let's explore some of the styles you can effortlessly achieve with brown wood floors.

Farmhouse Style

Create a cozy and inviting farmhouse style with brown wood floors as the foundation. Pair the floors with rustic, distressed furniture pieces and vintage accessories. Incorporate elements like barn doors, exposed beams, and shiplap walls to enhance the farmhouse charm.

Get inspired by this charming Danish farmhouse !


Oak Finnveden
Oak Sevede

Industrial Style

For an edgy and contemporary industrial style, combine brown wood floors with raw and industrial elements. Opt for darker brown wood floors with a weathered or distressed look. Pair them with exposed brick walls, metal accents, and minimalist furniture with clean lines. Incorporate elements like reclaimed wood shelves, and exposed ductwork to achieve an industrial aesthetic with a touch of warmth from the brown wood floors.

This Berlin flat with its industrial style has opted for brown wood floors, which may give you some ideas.

Modern Minimalism Style

For a sleek and contemporary aesthetic, combine brown wood floors with clean lines and a minimalist approach. Lighter shades of brown, like ash or oak, can lend a modern feel to your space. Keep the decor simple and clutter-free, focusing on functionality and subtle accents. Incorporate streamlined furniture, neutral colors, and pops of bold accents to create a harmonious and sophisticated ambiance.

In Paris, this 19th-century flat opted for brown wood floors to add a modern touch.

Oak Vedbo

Floor planner

Use the latest AI technology to visualize your dream floor in your own home with the Kährs Floor Planner.


Order samples of Kährs flooring to see color, texture, and material. The best way to select a floor is to see it in person!

Floor by room

It’s important to choose flooring that meets the demands of the space it’s in. Below you will find our best floors choice by room !
